Let the light in with our specialized window cleaning services.
When it comes to maintaining your property, there are certain tasks that always seem to get pushed to the bottom of the list. One of those is window cleaning. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a team who could handle it for you, including both inside and outside your property? If you’re in the West Palm Beach, Florida area, you’re in luck. Our team at H2O Squad can assist you with this task and more.
When you call our team, we’ll quickly review our services to ensure you don’t need additional treatment for solar panels and skylights. Then, we’ll assess the current condition of your surfaces in order to create a customized cleaning plan. This includes evaluating the buildup of contaminants like dust, debris, and dirt. Having the whole picture allows us to determine the method and cleaning solutions we’ll use to provide you with the best possible result.
Our team uses safe and efficient cleaning solutions specifically designed for window washing. The purpose of these solutions is to dissolve and eliminate stubborn stains, dirt, and grime from glass surfaces. We also use non-abrasive tools and cleaning methods, making sure that every frame, corner, and edge is perfectly clean.
When we’re finished, we do a final pass to ensure every surface is thoroughly cleaned and dried. This attention to detail is something we offer on each and every service we provide, and it is a big reason why our customers continue to use us for not just window cleaning but any exterior cleaning needs they have.
If you need window cleaning, solar panel and skylight cleaning, or another exterior cleaning service, contact our team to see how we can help.