Improve your home’s screen enclosure cleaning with our targeted cleaning solutions.
Your home’s screen enclosure is one of your favorite parts of your property. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors without the harsh, direct sun or bugs getting in your way. Although you sit underneath your screen enclosure, the exterior of this feature can still get dirty over time, making it less enjoyable to use this screened-off part of your house.
If you want to get your screen enclosure truly clean and do something more than just hosing it off with the hose in your garden, turn to us at H2O Squad. We provide professional and effective exterior cleaning services throughout West Palm Beach, Florida, screen enclosure cleaning included.
One of the things that sets our screen enclosure cleaning services apart is that we’re gentle on surfaces. Screen enclosures are made from delicate materials, including thin screens, which can sustain damage when cleaned the wrong way. Our approach preserves your screen enclosure’s structural integrity while still ensuring it gets completely clean.
We recommend turning to us for screen enclosure cleaning at least once a year. This way, your screen enclosure is always in good shape to enjoy when it’s nice outside, and you don’t have to worry about cleaning it yourself.
We’re excited to show you what a big difference our screen enclosure services can make for your home. For more information about this service or to set up your next exterior cleaning appointment, contact us today!