We specialize in soft washing solutions.
Are you looking for someone to clean your home’s exterior? Don’t just hire the next person you see with a pressure washer in the back of their truck. Instead, hire an elite exterior cleaning company that knows how to get incredible results for your home.
At H2O Squad, we are that company. We specialize in soft washing, and we are trained and certified chemical specialists, as well as a licensed affiliate of SoftWash Systems. Because of this association, we have access to the latest supplies, techniques, and equipment in the soft washing industry. We have received direct training and certification through SoftWash Systems, which allows us to continually provide the effective, efficient soft washing services our customers in West Palm Beach, Florida have come to know and expect.
The safety and security of your family is important to us and our team. This is why we use Ask the Seal, a simple method to show our customers we maintain proper licensing and insurance and that we perform criminal background checks on every employee who could get dispatched to your home or business.
We are also a member of the SoftWash Systems’ Good Stewards program, and we believe and practice procedures and standards that go beyond basic compliance. We strongly believe we are stewards of the earth’s precious resources, including the water, land, and air surrounding your home and in the community.
Improve your home or business’ exterior appearance and cleanliness with solutions that get unbelievable results. For more information about what we do or to get an estimate for your property, contact us today.